* Have you ever thought how good your memory or how fast is your hands? Let's try the "Egg Store", a new game if you want to win you have to use your excellent memory and agility dexterity of the fingers. With a simple way to play, you only need to remember the position of chicks and snakes and wait for the right time to destroy the sinister snakes and collect all the chickens. Be quick hands, quick eyes and take your mind to win. Good luck and much fun !!!.
How to play: * One of acquaintance store owner helped build an egg the scanner that can help classify the eggs , but unfortunately the eggs are preparing to hatch. Use your quick eye to detect which are the snake eggs to destroy them and collect the chick eggs before they become prey for the snakes. You will get the task for each level before the game start. Try to collect a sufficient number of eggs and requirements as much as possible to fill the store with the golden eggs. I wish you success.
* Apakah Anda pernah berpikir seberapa baik memori atau seberapa cepat tangan Anda? Mari kita coba "Egg Store", permainan baru jika Anda ingin menang, Anda harus menggunakan memori yang sangat baik dan kelincahan ketangkasan jari. Dengan cara sederhana untuk bermain, Anda hanya perlu mengingat posisi anak ayam dan ular dan menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk menghancurkan ular jahat dan mengumpulkan semua ayam. Jadilah tangan cepat, mata cepat dan mengambil pikiran Anda untuk menang. Good luck dan menyenangkan!.
Cara bermain: * Salah satu pemilik toko kenalan membantu membangun sebuah telur scanner yang dapat membantu mengklasifikasikan telur, tapi sayangnya telur sedang mempersiapkan untuk menetas. Gunakan mata ringkas untuk mendeteksi yang merupakan telur ular untuk menghancurkan mereka dan mengumpulkan telur ayam sebelum mereka menjadi mangsa bagi ular. Anda akan mendapatkan tugas untuk setiap tingkat sebelum pertandingan dimulai. Cobalah untuk mengumpulkan jumlah yang memadai telur dan persyaratan sebanyak mungkin untuk mengisi toko dengan telur emas. Saya berharap Anda sukses.
* Have you ever thought how good your memory or how fast is your hands? Let's try the "Egg Store", a new game if you want to win you have to use your excellent memory and agility dexterity of the fingers. With a simple way to play, you only need to remember the position of chicks and snakes and wait for the right time to destroy the sinister snakes and collect all the chickens. Be quick hands, quick eyes and take your mind to win. Good luck and much fun !!!.
How to play: * One of acquaintance store owner helped build an egg the scanner that can help classify the eggs , but unfortunately the eggs are preparing to hatch. Use your quick eye to detect which are the snake eggs to destroy them and collect the chick eggs before they become prey for the snakes. You will get the task for each level before the game start. Try to collect a sufficient number of eggs and requirements as much as possible to fill the store with the golden eggs. I wish you success.